
Marriage Bureaus/Classifieds V/s Matrimonial Website

 Most business contact us confused what is working and what is not working in matrimonial business arena. The questions itself is a big one. We believe the matrimonial business is world one of the oldest service and has been existence with several hundred of years, if...

Ready made Matrimonial Script or Custom Script Created

Matrimonial Website  is critical for any matrimonial website business may it be existing marriage bureau or come up new start-up with matrimonial website. Most client calls with confusion to go with ready made or custom created matrimonial script. Well each one of has...

Nighmare for Indian Communities : Skewed Sex Ratio

Recent TOI article suggest fast rising inter state marriages due to skewed sex ratio. Skewed sex ratio is alarming rising in various part of the country. This has been due to favouring of a particular gender in past decades. Government has been running various program...